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Worldwide AI Preparedness Index (AIPI) in 2023, by countries

UID: ST-20240821-WORLD-01


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Last Updated

August 21, 2024



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AI Preparedness Index

The AI Preparedness Index (AIPI) measures a country’s readiness for AI adoption by evaluating key macro-structural indicators. It encompasses four crucial dimensions: digital infrastructure, human capital, technological innovation, and legal frameworks. Each dimension is derived by normalizing and averaging various sub-indicators, such as robust digital infrastructure, ongoing human capital investment, inclusive STEM education, labour and capital mobility, a dynamic R&D environment, and adaptable legal systems for digital businesses. Together, these factors provide a comprehensive assessment of how well-positioned a nation is to integrate AI into its economy.

There are several indexes which have emerged as vital indicators of a nation’s preparedness, development, and competitive edge in the increasingly interconnected and technology-driven global landscape. Among these, the AI Preparedness Index, Digital Infrastructure Index, Innovation and Economic Integration Index, Human Capital and Labor Market Policies Index, and Regulation and Ethics Index play pivotal roles. These indexes reflect a country’s current status in these crucial areas and guide policymakers and stakeholders in strategic decision-making processes to foster sustainable growth and maintain a competitive edge on the global stage.

AI Preparedness Index

The AI Preparedness Index measures a nation’s readiness to adopt, integrate, and benefit from artificial intelligence technologies. It considers various factors such as research and development in AI, government policies, industry adoption, and the ethical framework surrounding AI implementation. Countries scoring high on this index typically have robust AI strategies, significant investments in AI research, and a conducive environment for AI startups and innovation. AI rapidly transforms industries, from healthcare to finance, making the AI Preparedness Index a critical measure of a nation’s future economic competitiveness. Countries leading in AI adoption can create new markets, enhance productivity, and drive innovation. In contrast, those lagging behind risk falling into economic stagnation and losing their competitive advantage.

Digital Infrastructure Index

The Digital Infrastructure Index evaluates a country’s digital connectivity, including internet speed, accessibility, and the spread of digital services. This index is crucial as digital infrastructure forms the backbone of modern economies, enabling everything from e-commerce to remote work. Several elements contribute to a robust digital infrastructure, including broadband internet penetration, mobile network quality, cloud computing capabilities, and cybersecurity measures. The availability and quality of these factors determine how well a nation can support digital businesses and innovation. Countries with advanced digital infrastructure experience faster economic growth, as businesses can operate more efficiently, new industries can emerge, and citizens can access better services. For example, South Korea’s top-tier digital infrastructure has enabled it to become a global leader in technology and innovation.

Innovation and Economic Integration Index

The Innovation and Economic Integration Index measures how well a country fosters innovation and integrates its economy into the global market. It examines research and development spending, patent filings, international trade, and cross-border collaboration. Innovation drives economic growth, and financial integration allows for the global exchange of ideas, goods, and services. Together, these elements ensure that a country generates new technologies and business models and benefits from international trade and investment. 

Human capital and labour market policies index

This index evaluates a country’s education system, workforce skills, and labour market policies. Human capital is vital to economic growth, as a well-educated and skilled workforce is better equipped to adapt to technological changes and drive innovation. Human capital is critical in the digital economy, where technology and innovation are paramount. Countries that invest in education and training programs that align with market needs are better positioned to thrive in the digital age. For instance, Finland’s focus on education has resulted in a highly skilled workforce adept at leveraging digital technologies. Labour market policies that encourage flexibility, lifelong learning, and worker mobility are essential for maintaining a competitive edge. Countries with adaptive labour market policies can respond more effectively to economic shifts and technological advancements.

Regulation and ethics index

The Regulation and Ethics Index assesses a country’s regulatory framework and ethical guidelines governing AI and digital technologies. This index is increasingly vital as AI raises new ethical questions and challenges, such as bias in algorithms, data privacy, and the impact of automation on jobs. Effective regulation ensures that AI technologies are developed and used to benefit society while minimizing risks. Ethical AI regulation includes principles like transparency, accountability, and fairness, which are crucial for maintaining public trust and ensuring that AI developments do not harm individuals or communities.

Interconnection between these Indexes

These indexes are interconnected and often influence one another. For instance, strong digital infrastructure and human capital can enhance a country’s AI preparedness. Similarly, effective regulation and ethics frameworks can boost innovation by creating a stable and predictable environment for businesses. AI technologies require robust digital infrastructure to function effectively. High-speed internet, cloud computing, and advanced data centres are all necessary for AI applications to thrive. Countries that excel in AI preparedness and digital infrastructure are better positioned to lead in the digital economy.

Global competitiveness and the role of these indexes

These indexes are critical indicators of a country’s ability to compete on the global stage. Nations that score highly on these indexes are generally more innovative, have stronger economies, and are better integrated into the global market. They attract more investment, create jobs, and enjoy higher living standards. Countries use these indexes to identify strengths and weaknesses, informing policy decisions and strategic investments. By improving their scores in these areas, nations can enhance their global standing, attract foreign investment, and foster long-term economic growth.

Challenges in measuring and applying these indexes

While these indexes provide valuable insights, they have limitations. Data availability, varying definitions, and the fast-paced nature of technological change can all affect the accuracy and relevance of these measures. Additionally, the indexes may need to fully capture the complexities of innovation, regulation, and human capital development. Applying these indexes in policy-making can be challenging, especially in diverse and rapidly changing environments. Policymakers must consider local contexts, adapt strategies to their unique circumstances, and remain flexible in new challenges. Solutions include continuous monitoring, stakeholder engagement, and complementary measures to provide a more comprehensive view.

Future trends: The evolution of global indexes in a digital age

As technology evolves, so too will these indexes. We can expect them to become more sophisticated, incorporating new metrics that reflect the changing landscape of AI, digital infrastructure, and economic integration. The growing importance of sustainability, cybersecurity, and digital sovereignty may also lead to developing new indexes or refining existing ones. Trends such as the rise of green technologies, the increasing importance of digital sovereignty, and the focus on AI ethics will shape the future of these indexes. Countries that can adapt to these trends while maintaining strong performances in existing indexes will likely lead the global economy in the coming decades.

The AI Preparedness Index, Digital Infrastructure Index, Innovation and Economic Integration Index, Human Capital and Labor Market Policies Index, and Regulation and Ethics Index are crucial tools for understanding and enhancing a nation’s global competitiveness. By focusing on these areas, countries can position themselves as leaders in the digital economy, fostering innovation, ensuring ethical practices, and creating sustainable economic growth.

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Chowdhury P. Worldwide AI Preparedness Index (AIPI) in 2023, by countries. 360 Analytika. Published August 21, 2024. https://360analytika.com/worldwide-ai-preparedness-index-aipi-in-2023-by-countries/

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