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Total DigiLocker: Issued Documents, Registered Users, Accessed documents, Consumed Documents in India from 2018 to 2024

UID: ST-20240827-IN-03


Meta Data


Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, GoI

Last Updated

August 27, 2024



Time Range

FY 2018-19 to FY 2023-24





DigiLocker is a government-backed cloud-based platform that allows citizens to store, share, and verify documents and certificates digitally. It’s a flagship initiative of the Ministry of Electronics & IT (MeitY) under the Digital India program and is intended to help citizens access authentic documents in their digital document wallet. DigiLocker documents are considered to be equal to the original physical documents. By using DigiLocker, you can conveniently access your documents anytime, anywhere, and enjoy the benefits of paperless governance. DigiLocker can also be useful for verifying documents with government agencies. For example, if an agency asks for legal documents for verification when applying for an exam or service, you can provide your locker number so they can quickly verify your identity. This eliminates the need to carry original documents and the risk of losing them.

Digilocker – Issued Documents

Digilocker – Issued Documents” refers to the number of official documents and certificates that have been digitally issued by various government authorities through the Digilocker platform. These documents can range from Aadhaar cards and driving licenses to educational certificates and income tax statements.


  • Paperless Verification: Issued documents in Digilocker eliminate the need for physical copies, enabling paperless verification across various services, including applying for jobs, availing government schemes, or enrolling in educational institutions.
  • Secure Storage: These documents are securely stored in the cloud, reducing the risk of loss or damage that is common with physical documents.
  • Real-Time Access: Individuals can access these documents anytime, anywhere, ensuring they have their essential documents at their fingertips whenever needed.
  • Ease of Sharing: Issued documents can be easily shared with authorized agencies, such as banks or government departments, directly through Digilocker, facilitating seamless and quick transactions.

Digilocker – Registered Users

“Digilocker – Registered Users” refers to the total number of individuals who have signed up and created an account on the Digilocker platform. Each registered user can securely store, access, and share their digital documents.


  • Widespread Adoption: The number of registered users is a crucial indicator of the platform’s adoption and success. A growing user base reflects increasing trust and reliance on digital document storage.
  • User Empowerment: Registered users are empowered with the ability to manage their documents digitally, reducing dependence on physical copies and administrative delays.
  • Increased Efficiency: As more users register, the overall efficiency of various public and private services improves, thanks to the streamlined document verification and storage process.
  • Enhanced Digital Literacy: The increasing number of registered users also signifies a boost in digital literacy, as more citizens become comfortable with using online platforms for essential services.

Digilocker – Accessed Documents

“Digilocker – Accessed Documents” refers to the number of times documents stored in Digilocker have been accessed by users. This includes both the retrieval of documents by users for personal use and their verification by third-party organizations.


  • Ease of Use: Frequent access to documents indicates that users find Digilocker convenient for retrieving essential documents quickly, whether for personal reference or official purposes.
  • Seamless Integration: Accessed documents can be seamlessly integrated into various processes, such as online applications for jobs, admissions, or loans, where quick and secure document verification is required.
  • User Engagement: The number of accessed documents is an indicator of user engagement with the platform. High engagement suggests that users are actively utilizing Digilocker to manage their document-related needs.
  • Real-Time Verification: Third parties, such as government departments, employers, or educational institutions, can instantly verify the authenticity of documents, reducing delays and enhancing the overall efficiency of verification processes.

Digilocker – Consumed Documents

“Digilocker – Consumed Documents” refers to the instances where documents stored in Digilocker have been used by third-party organizations for verification or other official purposes. This includes documents that have been shared with or retrieved by these organizations for processing services like loan applications, admissions, or government benefits.


  • Streamlined Services: Consumed documents play a crucial role in streamlining services that require document verification. For instance, banks can instantly verify a customer’s identity or proof of income through Digilocker, speeding up processes like loan approval.
  • Reduced Fraud: By consuming documents directly from Digilocker, organizations can reduce the risk of fraud and counterfeit documents, as the platform ensures the authenticity of the documents issued.
  • Simplified Compliance: Regulatory bodies and organizations can easily ensure compliance with legal and operational requirements by accessing authenticated documents directly from Digilocker, reducing the burden of manual verification.
  • Increased Trust: The regular consumption of documents through Digilocker by trusted organizations fosters greater confidence in the digital system among users, encouraging wider adoption.

The Digilocker platform is a cornerstone of India’s move towards a more digital, transparent, and efficient society. The indicators “Issued Documents,” “Registered Users,” “Accessed Documents,” and “Consumed Documents” highlight the platform’s success in transforming how citizens interact with their documents and how organizations verify them. As these indicators continue to grow, Digilocker will play an increasingly vital role in the digital empowerment of citizens and the seamless operation of services across the country. Understanding these indicators is key for stakeholders looking to leverage the full potential of Digilocker in their operations.

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Chowdhury P. Total DigiLocker: Issued Documents, Registered Users, Accessed documents, Consumed Documents in India from 2018 to 2024. 360 Analytika. Published August 27, 2024. https://360analytika.com/total-digilocker-issued-documents-registered-users-accessed-documents-consumed-documents-in-india-from-2018-to-2024/

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