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Total DIC IIDS: Farmers Registered, Text SMS Sent, Voice SMS Sent, Advisory Solved in India from 2018 to 2024

UID: ST-20240827-IN-04


Meta Data


Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, GoI

Last Updated

August 27, 2024



Time Range

FY 2018-19 to FY 2023-24





The Digital India Corporation’s (DIC) Interactive Information Dissemination System (IIDS) is a model that integrates a smartphone app, toll-free IVRS, and interactive portal to provide farmers with agriculture-related information. IIDS is a push-and-pull system that allows farmers to access information about services they’ve subscribed to using their mobile phones. The IIDS platform is also available on desktops and laptops for other users. The IIDS is part of the Kisan Sarathi program, an Information Communication and Technology (ICT) interface solution powered by the DIC and the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). Kisan Sarathi aims to provide farmers with a seamless, multimedia, and multi-way connection to the latest agricultural technologies, knowledge base, and subject matter experts. The DIC has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to integrate IIDS with Kisan Sarathi to reach many farmers across India. IIDS has already been deployed in the North Eastern states, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana

The Digital India Campaign (DIC) Integrated Information Dissemination System (IIDS) is a transformative initiative to empower farmers with timely and relevant information through various communication channels. This system enables farmers to receive critical agricultural updates, advisories, and solutions, helping them make informed decisions to enhance productivity and sustainability. 

Farmers Registered

“Farmers Registered” refers to the total number of farmers enrolled in the DIC IIDS platform to receive agricultural information and advisories. Registration typically involves farmers providing their contact details, crop information, and other relevant data to ensure they receive tailored advice.


  • Targeted Communication: The number of registered farmers reflects the reach of the DIC IIDS platform, enabling the government and agricultural bodies to effectively target communication efforts.
  • Customized Advisory Services: With detailed data on registered farmers, the system can provide customized advice based on the crops grown, local climate conditions, and individual needs, leading to more effective and personalized agricultural support.
  • Resource Allocation: Understanding the number of registered farmers helps in the efficient allocation of resources, such as seeds, fertilizers, and irrigation systems, ensuring that support reaches those who need it most.
  • Policy Formulation: Data from registered farmers can inform policy decisions at the local, state, and national levels, ensuring that agricultural policies align with the needs of the farming community.

Text SMS Sent

“Text SMS Sent” refers to the number of text messages sent to registered farmers through the DIC IIDS platform. These messages typically contain crucial information on weather forecasts, pest control, market prices, and best agricultural practices.


  • Real-Time Information: Text SMS allows farmers to receive real-time updates on critical issues, such as sudden weather changes or pest infestations, enabling them to take immediate action to protect their crops.
  • Wide Reach: SMS messages can reach farmers in even the most remote areas where internet connectivity may be limited, ensuring that essential information is disseminated widely.
  • Language Accessibility: Messages can be sent in local languages, making it easier for farmers to understand and apply the advice provided, thus bridging the communication gap in diverse linguistic regions.
  • Market Updates: Regular SMS updates on market prices help farmers make informed decisions about when and where to sell their produce, maximizing their profits.

Voice SMS Sent

“Voice SMS Sent” refers to the number of pre-recorded voice messages sent to farmers through the DIC IIDS platform. These voice messages are particularly useful for illiterate or semi-literate farmers who cannot read text messages.


  • Inclusive Communication: Voice SMS ensures that all farmers, regardless of literacy levels, have access to important agricultural information. This inclusivity helps to democratize access to knowledge and resources.
  • Detailed Instructions: Voice messages can convey more complex information than text messages, providing detailed instructions on farming techniques, pest control measures, and irrigation practices.
  • Emergency Alerts: In cases of emergency, such as natural disasters or sudden disease outbreaks, voice SMS can deliver urgent alerts that prompt immediate action, potentially saving crops and livestock.
  • Behavioural Change Communication: Voice messages can influence positive behavioral changes among farmers, such as adopting sustainable farming practices or improving hygiene and safety on the farm.

Advisory Solved

“Advisory Solved” refers to the number of queries or issues raised by farmers that have been successfully resolved through the DIC IIDS platform. This indicator tracks the effectiveness of the advisory services provided through SMS, voice messages, or direct consultation with agricultural experts.


  • Measure of Effectiveness: The number of advisories solved is a key metric for assessing the effectiveness of the DIC IIDS platform in addressing farmers’ concerns and improving agricultural outcomes.
  • Farmer Satisfaction: High numbers of solved advisories indicate that farmers receive the support they need, increasing satisfaction and trust in the system.
  • Knowledge Transfer: Successfully solved advisories contribute to the broader goal of knowledge transfer, where farmers apply the solutions provided to improve their practices, leading to higher productivity and better crop management.
  • Continuous Improvement: Tracking solved advisories helps identify common issues and challenges farmers face, allowing the system to continuously improve its services and provide more relevant and timely support.


The DIC IIDS platform is critical in empowering Indian farmers by providing timely, relevant, and actionable information. The indicators “Farmers Registered,” “Text SMS Sent,” “Voice SMS Sent,” and “Advisory Solved” are essential in measuring the platform’s reach, inclusivity, and effectiveness. As the agricultural sector continues to evolve, these indicators will be instrumental in ensuring farmers have the tools and knowledge they need to thrive in an increasingly complex and dynamic environment. Understanding and optimizing these indicators will be key to enhancing the platform’s impact and supporting the sustainable growth of India’s agricultural community.

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Chowdhury P. Total DIC IIDS : Farmers Registered, Text SMS Sent, Voice SMS Sent, Advisory Solved in India from 2018 to 2024. 360 Analytika. Published August 27, 2024. https://360analytika.com/total-dic-iids-farmers-registered-text-sms-sent-voice-sms-sent-advisory-solved-in-india-from-2018-to-2024/

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