Market Research

360 Analytika delivers cutting-edge market research services characterized by innovation and adherence to global standards. Leveraging our extensive domain expertise, robust data resources, advanced technological capabilities, and tailored data collection methods, we cater to our client’s diverse strategies and requirements, ensuring actionable insights for informed decision-making.

Our offerings in market research

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

We design and implement comprehensive surveys to assess customer satisfaction levels, preferences, and feedback, enabling clients to enhance customer experiences and loyalty.

Mystery Shopping

Our mystery shopping services provide invaluable insights into customer interactions and service quality, helping clients identify areas for improvement and maintain brand consistency.

Brand Awareness and Reach

Through rigorous analysis and measurement techniques, we evaluate brand awareness, visibility, and reach across target markets, guiding clients in optimizing their brand strategies for maximum impact.

Pricing Research

We conduct in-depth pricing research to understand market dynamics, competitive landscapes, and price sensitivity, empowering clients to make informed pricing decisions and maximize profitability.

Advertising Testing

We utilize sophisticated testing methodologies to assess the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, messaging, and creative elements, allowing clients to refine their marketing strategies for optimal engagement and impact.

Opinion Polls

Our opinion polling services provide timely and accurate insights into public opinions, attitudes, and trends on various topics, facilitating informed decision-making and public engagement strategies.

Concept Testing

We conduct thorough concept tests to evaluate the viability, appeal, and market potential of new products, services, or initiatives. This enables clients to refine their concepts and mitigate risks before launch.

Through our tailored market research services, we empower clients better to understand their target markets, competitors, and stakeholders, driving strategic growth and competitive advantage in today’s dynamic business landscape.