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Carbon dioxide emissions per capita across Top 10 Economies from 1990 to 2022

UID: EN-20240911-WORLD-02


Meta Data


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Last Updated

September 11, 2024


Tonnes Per Capita 

Time Range





Carbon dioxide emissions per capita

Carbon dioxide emissions per capita refers to the average amount of carbon dioxide (CO₂) emitted by an individual in a specific country or region over a given period, typically measured annually. It is calculated by dividing the total CO₂ emissions of a country by its population. The result is expressed in metric tons of CO₂ per person per year. CO₂ Emissions Per Capita= (Total CO₂ Emissions / Population). Total CO₂ Emissions: The total amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by human activities within a country. This includes emissions from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), industrial processes, and deforestation. Population: The total number of people living in the country or region.

CO₂ emission per capita is a key indicator for understanding and addressing the environmental impact due to human activities. It helps us to quantify the global effort to mitigate climate change, promote sustainable development, and ensure a fair distribution of responsibilities in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 

Environmental Impact Assessment

CO₂ emissions per capita provide a clear measure of the environmental impact of individuals within a country. It helps in understanding the average contribution of each person to global greenhouse gas emissions, which are a primary driver of climate change.

Comparative Analysis

This indicator allows for comparing carbon footprints across different countries or regions, regardless of their population size. By comparing CO₂ emissions per capita, it becomes easier to identify countries with higher or lower environmental efficiency, guiding global climate policies.

Policy Development and Evaluation

Governments and international organizations use CO₂ emissions per capita to develop and evaluate environmental policies. It helps set targets for emission reductions and track progress toward these goals over time, ensuring that policies effectively reduce the carbon footprint.

Economic and Developmental Insights

The indicator also reflects the relationship between economic development and environmental impact. High CO₂ emissions per capita often correlate with industrialization and high energy consumption, highlighting the need for sustainable development strategies that decouple economic growth from environmental degradation.

Global Climate Goals

Achieving global climate targets, such as those set by the Paris Agreement, requires monitoring and reducing CO₂ emissions per capita. This indicator helps track progress toward limiting the rise in global temperature by identifying areas where emission reductions are most needed.

Sustainable Urban Planning

Urban planners use CO₂ emissions per capita to design more sustainable cities. By understanding emissions at the individual level, planners can implement measures such as improving public transportation, increasing green spaces, and promoting energy-efficient buildings.

Resource Allocation

CO₂ emissions per capita can inform resource allocation for environmental protection and climate change mitigation. Countries with high emissions per capita may need to allocate more resources to transition to cleaner energy sources and reduce their carbon footprint.

Climate Justice

It plays a role in discussions about climate justice, as it highlights the disparity in emissions between developed and developing nations. Developed countries often have higher CO₂ emissions per capita, which can inform global negotiations on responsibilities and obligations in addressing climate change.

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Chowdhury P. Carbon dioxide emissions per capita across Top 10 Economies from 1990 to 2022. 360 Analytika. Published September 11, 2024. https://360analytika.com/carbon-dioxide-emissions-per-capita-across-top-10-economies-from-1990-to-2022/

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