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Author: Pankaj Chowdhury, Tribeni Sonowal


In India, contraceptive knowledge is nearly ubiquitous, with over 99 per cent of currently married individuals aged 15-49 being familiar with at least one method of contraception. The term “condom” goes beyond just a search term; it represents a crucial aspect of sexual health, contraception, and public awareness. By analyzing how and when people search for condoms online, we can gain valuable insights into the evolving landscape of sexual health awareness. This study aims to evaluate the level of public interest in “Condom” in India from 2019 to 2023. We conducted an extensive data collection exercise focusing on search volume, related queries, and top topics associated with the keyword “condom” from 2019 to 2023 using Google Trends. The public interest in “Condom” has shown a consistent pattern over the last five years. Queries related to this keyword in India encompass a range of topics, including educational inquiries, brand preferences, curiosity about product innovation, and a proactive approach to sexual health and safety. These findings highlight the significance of providing Indians with comprehensive and precise information concerning sexual and reproductive health.

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Keywords: modern contraceptive methods, condom, condom myths, google trends india, health and well-being


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